About Me

I am 13 years old and I live in Ontario Canada. Since I was 4 years old I have studied Kung Fu and Tai Chi, as well I am a avid mountain bike racer. Martial arts has taught me to focus on a goal and go after it. This has helped me develop as a mountain bike racer and I use this focus in all other aspects of my life. I entered my first MTB race and won it, this has been my driving force to train hard and improve myself. Whatever your reason is to get in shape don't forget that reason. Never forget why you are getting in shape. I have started to use the GSP Rushfit advanced program to increase my performance and hopefully get stronger and see a increase in endurance. I would recommend that you purchase the full GSP Rushfit program to follow along with me. You can get it here: www.gsprushfit.com
Best of luck and train hard with me!