- Air Squats (1 minute)
- ISO Squat (1 minute)
- Hands off Push-ups (1 minute)
- Back Extension (1 minute)
- Pop-ups (1 minute)
1 Minute rest at this point.
- Air Squats (1 minute)
- Squat Thrusts (1 minute)
- Push-ups (1 minute)
- Burpees (1 minute)
- Lateral Planks (1 minute, 5 seconds each side)
1 Minute rest. The next set you use dumbbells.
- Lateral Lunges (30 seconds)
- Rotating Overhead Press (30 seconds)
- Rotating Bent Over Row (30 seconds)
- Upright Rowing (30 seconds)
- Rotating Curl (30 seconds)
- Lateral Lunges (30 seconds)
- Rotating Overhead Press (30 seconds)
- Rotating Bent Over Row (30 seconds)
- Upright Rowing (30 seconds)
- Rotating Curl (30 seconds)
- 1-set of prone dumbbell row, 1 minute
1 Minute rest. On the next set you only use 1 dummbell.
Use Right arm,
- Around the World (30 seconds)
- Single Arm Swing (30 seconds)
- High Pull (30 seconds)
- One Leg Single Arm Row (30 seconds)
- Diagonal Press (30 seconds)
Use Left arm,
- Around the World (30 seconds)
- Single Arm Swing (30 seconds)
- High Pull (30 seconds)
- One Leg Single Arm Row (30 seconds)
- Diagonal Press (30 seconds)
1 minute rest.
- Twisting Floor Press (1 minute, left arm)
- Twisting Floor Press (1 minute, right arm)
- Half Get Up From Floor (1 minute each, left arm) (hip heist motion)
- Half Get Up From Floor (1 minute each, right arm) (hip heist motion)
- Prone Dumbbell Row (1 minute, both of the dumbbells needed)
The second workout of the day is below,
- Forward Lunge (1 minute)
- Lateral Lunge (1 minute)
- Reverse Lunge (1 minute)
- Cross Back Lunge (1 minute)
- Single Leg Diver (1 minute)
- Single Leg Cross Diver (1 minute)
- Opposite Leg Diver (1 minute)
- Single Leg Airplane (1 minute)
- X-Hop (30 seconds)
- Line Hop (30 seconds)
- X-Hop (30 seconds)
- Line Hop (30 seconds)
- Gorilla Squat (1 minute)
- Mule Kick (1 minute)
- Alligator Crawl (1 minute)
- Floor Pull Up with Pop up (1 minute)
- Walking Lateral Push Up (1 minute)
- Gorilla Squat (1 minute)
- Mule Kick (1 minute)
- Alligator Crawl (1 minute)
- Floor Pull Up with Pop up (1 minute)
- Walking Lateral Push Up (1 minute)
Note: You should always do both sides of your body, your body needs balance. Do not over exercise and cause injury, it will set you back in training and that is the last thing anyone needs.